- Product title
Blood Direct PCR Kit
Rapid amplification of the target gene directly using blood as a template without extraction.
TIANcombi DNA Lyse & Det PCR Kit
Fast purification of DNA from various materials for PCR detection.
GMO Crop Extraction & Amplification Kit
Especially suitable for GMO Crop extraction and transgenic PCR detection.
FastKing One Step RT-qPCR Kit (Probe)
More sensitive and efficient one-step reverse and transcription probe fluorescence quantitative reagents.
FastKing One Step RT-qPCR kit
One-step Real-Time RT-PCR with SYBR-Green.
SuperReal PreMix Color (Probe)
Stable and efficient probe fluorescence quantitative reagent.
TIANtough Genotyping qPCR PreMix (Probe)
Probe reagent for accurate typing of SNP site.
HRM Analysis Kit (EvaGreen)
Professional reagent for high resolution melting curve analysis.
Talent qPCR PreMix (SYBR Green)
Good resistance to impurity interference and rapid quantification of complex templates.
FastFire qPCR PreMix (Probe)
Fastest probe fluorescence quantitative reagent.
FastFire qPCR PreMix (SYBR Green)
The fastest SYBR Green fluorescent quantitative reagent.
SuperReal PreMix Plus (Probe)
Dual-enzyme probe quantitative reagent with stable performance.